"Golden Boys," tells the story of one of the nation’s first racially integrated army units -- a musical theater troupe. The show by New York artist Horace Turnbull is brought to life by Artistic Director, Kim Martinez of Out on a Limb Dance Company, with choreography by Jimmy Peters. Under their collaborative direction, this intriguing new musical will be presented at the Lab Theater August 22nd-24th.

"Golden Boys" was born -- and inspired by -- a trip Turnbull made to New York City’s Historical Society where he viewed a WW2 exhibit about the experience of an army unit whose mission was to perform musical theater across the country. The celebrated New York artist whose many credits include Choreographer for the National Touring production of Funny Girl,  knew then he had to tell this story. Focusing on the taboos regarding race relations and gender boundaries of the era, he deftly crafts a theatrical experience for the audience that entertains and illuminates.

The Twin Cities' premiere will feature full production numbers in the style of 1940’s Broadway musicals, showcasing the vibrant dancing and singing of the Twin Cities theater community.

"The show really is about friendship and unity," Turnbull says. "I think these interesting facts naturally combine to create a compelling platform for a musical theater piece:  An interracial army unit is in many ways forced to come together, with a world war as the theatrical back drop of the show."

Remaining show times: Saturday August 23rd at 7:30pm, and Sunday August 24th at 2:00pm. $20.00 regular and $15.00 student with ID.  
Lab Theater is located at 700 North 1st Street, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Tickets can be purchased by visiting the Lab Theater’s website www.thelabtheater.org or by calling 612.333.7977.
VIP tickets available by contacting GoldenBoysTheMusical@gmail.com.  


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